Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Nokia migrates its on-premise IT infrastructure to Google Cloud

 Nokia and Google Cloud entered into a five-year strategic collaboration under which Nokia will migrate its on-premise IT infrastructure onto Google Cloud. Specifically, Nokia will migrate its data centers and servers around the world, as well as various software applications, onto Google Cloud infrastructure. Nokia will also use a suite of Google Cloud products and professional services.  Nokia plans to exit its IT data centers on a rapid...

Fujitsu expands family of 400G pluggable coherent transceivers

Fujitsu Optical Components Limited (FOC) released a 400G ZR+ transceiver that enables coherent WDM transmission greater than 120km in the same form factors (QSFP56-DD and OSFP) as its 400G ZR transceiver. FOC has started sample shipments of 400G ZR transceivers, expecting high volume commercial deployment of these 400G coherent products to begin in 2021.The OpenZR+ MSA aims to expand the transmission distance by using higher performance OFEC...

FCC qualifies bidders for $16B Rural Digital Opportunity Fund

 The FCC has qualified 386 applicants to bid in the upcoming Rural Digital Opportunity Fund Phase I auction. Qualified bidders will compete to receive up to $16 billion over ten years to provide broadband to wholly unserved areas, with priority given to bids for higher speeds (up to 1 Gbps) and lower latency.“With today’s announcement, we are taking one of the last steps before ringing the opening bell for the Rural Digital Opportunity...

IDC: Worldwide IT and business services revenue hit by pandemic

Due to the pandemic, worldwide IT and business services revenue declined 1.9% year over year (in constant currency) during the first half of 2020 (1H20), according to the International Data Corporation (IDC) Worldwide Semiannual Services Tracker. IDC estimates services revenue fell below $500 billion (in constant currency) in 1H20. Taking into account the strengthening dollar, the actual decline was 3.7% yoy.Some key insights from IDC:IDC forecasts...

Spark New Zealand launches 5G with Nokia

Spark New Zealand launched 5G services in the Auckland Viaduct area using Nokia’s AirScale radio portfolio. Spark New Zealand and Nokia have a long-established relationship, crossing multiple domains, including IP, optical and wireless. Nokia and Spark have collaborated extensively on 5G technology, with Nokia supporting Spark’s 5G networks across New Zealand. The service rollout in Auckland adds to Nokia’s solid 5G momentum in the region, while...

Adamo picks Ekinops for optical transport in Spain

Adamo has selected Ekinops' FlexRate optical transport solution as part of a €250 million infrastructure investment which will deliver fiber optic services to homes and businesses in less densely populated areas across Spain. Adamo is currently deploying the Ekinops 200G FlexRate, a high-capacity optical transport platform which provides native 100 Gbps services. In combination with the aggregation of multiple 10GbE clients together on a single...

China Telecom completes 5G SA call with Ericsson Spectrum Sharing

China Telecom (Sichuan) completed China’s first 5G Standalone (SA 5G) Ericsson Spectrum Sharing data call on a commercial network. The milestone was achieved recently on China Telecom’s 2.1GHz commercial 5G network in Deyang City, Sichuan Province.Ericsson said the demo  shows that Ericsson Spectrum Sharing can be deployed on a dual mode 5G Core-enabling Standalone 5G network. It provides another option for communications service providers such...