Sunday, June 8, 2014

NTT Readies its "Lagopus" SDN SoftSwitch

NTT will be showing  "Lagopus" Open Source Software (OSS) SDN switch at this week's Interop Tokyo 2014 conference ahead of a formal unveiling next month. Development of the Lagopus SDN software switch originates with NTT Network Innovation Laboratories, which is one of the participants in Japan's O3 Project commissioned by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications. A prototype SDN software switch “Lagopus” that enabled 10 Gbps forwarding...

Andorra Telecom Builds Public Wi-Fi with Cisco

Andorra Telecom has deployed a Wi-Fi network that offers two levels of service for visitors and residents in Andorra: a free basic connection (local, commercial and tourist information about the country) and high-quality Premium Internet access . The network uses the Cisco Service Provider (SP) Wi-Fi platform, which consists of the Cisco ASR 1000 access router, the Cisco Wireless LAN Controller and the Cisco Mobility Services Engine for capturing...

Huawei Tests 10Gbps Wi-Fi in 5 GHz

Huawei is testing 10Gbps version of Wi-Fi at its campus in Shenzhen. The prototype has achieved a transmission data rate of 10.53Gbps on 5GHz frequency bands by using innovative technologies such as MIMO-OFDA, intelligence spectrum allocation, interference coordination and hybrid access.. Huawei said the success of this prototype development shows a ten folds increase in spectrum efficiency is possible.  The company believes that ultrafast Wi-Fi...