Thursday, May 8, 2003

Connections: Digital Entertainment Distribution in the Home

Return rates for some home networking products are over 30%, a level that retailers will not continue to support, according to panel members at last week's Connections, The Digital Home Conference & Showcase, in San Jose. Market experience proves that if networked consumer electronic devices are not "rock solid," consumers will return them. Consumers want distributed entertainment in the home, but they demand simplicity, no interruptions and no reboots. It may require a shift in the industry's mentality before "networking" really extends...

T-Mobile Bundles Wireless Voice And Data with Wi-Fi

T-Mobile USA is offering its HotSpot ‘Wi-Fi' service to mobile phone customers as a bundled option on their monthly wireless voice and data bill. New and existing T-Mobile customers can add theT-Mobile HotSpot service to their existing monthly bill at a special rate of $19.99 for unlimited access. The normal rate for HotSpot service is $29.99 per month. In the coming months, T-Mobile plans to offer integrated GPRS and Wi-Fi service offerings. The T-Mobile Wi-Fi service is currently available in 2,300 hotspots across the US, including Starbucks...

Japan's Yahoo! BB Adds 184,000 DSL Subscribers in April

Yahoo! BB, the Japanese broadband service provided by Softbank and Yahoo! Japan, issued its latest month progress report. Yahoo! BB Subscribers   Apr-03 Mar-03 Feb-03 Jan-03 Dec-02 Nov-02 Oct-02 Yahoo! BB lines installed 2,547k 2,363k 2,181k 1,972k 1,691k 1,461k 1,208k Yahoo! BB phone users 2,162k 1,974k ...

Verizon's Network: Past, Present and Future

In a presentation at last week's Lehman Brothers Network Conference, Paul Lacoutre, president of Verizon's Network Services, outlined the planned evolution of Verizon's network to a next generation architecture. Key elements of the company's optical transport network will continue to include SONET and DWDM, deployed in both ring and mesh topologies. An optical control plane will be an enabler for SONET OCx services, dedicated/shared ring services, and optical ESCON/FICON/FC/Ethernet services. The switching layer of Verizon's next generation...