Monday, May 10, 2021

Verizon tests carrier aggregation of C-Band + mmWave

Verizon achieved speeds of 4.3 Gbps in a trial of carrier aggregation using its newly acquired national footprint of C-band spectrum and its existing mmWave spectrum. The lab trial aggregated 100 MHz of C-band spectrum together with 600 MHz of mmWave spectrum to provide greater efficiency for data sessions transmitting over the wireless network. The basebands and radios used were from Ericsson’s industry-leading Ericsson Radio System portfolio...

FCC opens $7.17B Connectivity Fund, consumer discounts open May 12

The FCC unanimously adopted final rules to implement the $7.17 billion Emergency Connectivity Fund Program, which will enable schools and libraries to purchase laptop and tablet computers, Wi-Fi hotspots, and broadband connectivity for students, school staff, and library patrons in need during the COVID-19 pandemic.  The new rules define eligible equipment and services, service locations, eligible uses, and reasonable support amounts for...

FCC expands 3.5 GHz CBRS for Puerto Rico, Guam and American Samoa

The FCC approved a series of measures to make mid-band spectrum in the 3.5 GHz band (3550-3700 MHz) available for 5G and other advanced wireless services to a diverse array of operators, including actions that will enable commercial deployments in the 3550-3650 MHz band segment in Puerto Rico, Guam, and American Samoa for the first time.Highlights:Approved new and updated ESC sensor deployment and coverage plans of four environmental sensing capability...

Telefónica acquires 20% stake in Nabiax in exchange for 4 data centers

Telefónica will acquire a 20% in Nabiax, a colocation and hosting partner owned y Asterion Industrial Partners, in exchange for four data centers (two in Spain and two in Chile). Asterion and its coinvestors, who retain the remaining 80% of the share capital in Nabiax.Nabiax operates eleven data centers that it acquired from Telefónica in 2019.The transaction includes an agreement for housing services in the four DC’s under equivalent terms and conditions...

Movistar Chile picks Nokia for 5G launch

Movistar Chile, a division of Telefónica, is using Nokia's AirScale portfolio for its 5G launch. In addition, Nokia will upgrade Movistar’s 4G and 4G+ networks to strengthen the critical network backbone across Chile’s key markets.The upgraded network, which will operate across Movistar’s recently won spectrum in Chile’s 5G auction in the 3.5GHz band, will leverage Nokia’s AirScale Radio Access portfolio to deliver ultra-low latency, huge connectivity...

Swisscom picks Nokia for new optical transport network

Swisscom selected Nokia as the sole supplier to build an end-to-end wavelength division multiplexing/optical transport network (WDM/OTN) nationwide. The fully automated and high capacity optical transport network will support Swisscom customers’ surging bandwidth demands driven by an increase in remote work and learning applications, video streaming, gaming and cloud computing.The modernized optical network will transport all of Swisscom’s fixed...

Linux Foundation and Next Generation Mobile Network Alliance sign MoU

The Linux Foundation and the Next Generation Mobile Network Alliance (NGMN) announced a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for formal collaboration regarding end-to-end 5G and beyond. NGMN's mission is to provide impactful industry guidance to achieve innovative and affordable mobile telecommunication services for the end user, placing a particular focus on Mastering the Route to Disaggregation, Sustainability and Green Future Networks, as well...