A new study commissioned by Yahoo! and Mediaedge:cia finds that consumers are increasingly growing closer to multiple media, and are turning to the Web for deeper content, entertainment and communication capabilities without forsaking other media. Some key findings include:
The study was conducted by Forrester Research and Headlight Vision.
- Broadband users view twice as many pages per month as their dial-up counterparts.
- The Internet is intersecting with all aspects of people's lives in dramatically new ways. The study showed that over half of broadband users say they are using online and offline media simultaneously, turning to the Internet to supplement other traditional media such as radio, newspapers and television. Broadband capabilities -- speed plus "always on" -- sparked this new "media meshing" trend, by allowing users to easily supplement one medium with another.
- Broadband consumers are two to three times more likely to download video than dial-up consumers -- including movie clips, trailers, news video, short movies, sports events and cartoons.
- Though wireless Internet access within the home is in its early stages, with eight percent of Internet households currently using wireless broadband, the new technology is allowing users to choose where and how they access the Web. Eighty percent of wireless broadband users sometimes or frequently access the Internet from their bedrooms, while a surprising 21 percent use their wireless access in the bathroom. No matter the location, study participants agree that this freedom of choice is resulting in even more integrated experiences.
The study was conducted by Forrester Research and Headlight Vision.