Saturday, August 2, 2014

MIT: Light Pulses Control Graphene’s Electrical Behavior

Researchers at MIT have developed a method of using light pulses to control the electrical properties of a sheet of graphene. Short light pulses were found to change and reveal graphene’s electrical response in only a trillionth of a second. The discovery by graduate student Alex Frenzel, Nuh Gedik, and three others, could allow ultrafast switching of conduction, and possibly lead to new broadband light sensors. The findings have now been published...

Technical University of Denmark Hits 43 Tbps Optical Transmission

Researchers at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) have achieved an optical transmission speed of 43 terabits per second ( 43 Tbps) using a single laser and a single fiber. The demonstration used a new type of optical fiber (developed by NTT) that contains seven cores (glass threads) instead of the single core used in standard fiber. DTU noted that its researchers have previously helped achieve the highest combined data transmission speed...

Diablo Technologies Awarded Memory Channel Storage Patent

Diablo Technologies was awarded U.S. patent No. 8,713,379, entitled a “System and method of interfacing co-processors and input/output devices via a main memory system.” The ‘379 patent describes: A method for connecting non-volatile memory directly to the memory controllers of a processor A learning machine to handle data interleaving/de-interleaving and data scrambling/de-scrambling algorithms for DDR3/4-based memory controllers A method to...