Friday, March 8, 2013

JDSU Acquires Arieso for Mobile Location Awareness

JDSU announced the acquisition of Arieso, a developer of location-aware software for mobile network operators, for $85 million in cash. Arieso, which is based in Newbury, United Kingdom, offers a multi-vendor, location-aware network monitoring and optimization solution that delivers intelligence for more effective network performance engineering.  It also supplies an automated network planning technology that searches all possible configurations...

Infonetics: Femtocell Market Starts to Take Off

Globally, the femtocell market, including 2G, 3G, and 4G femtocells, rose 66% in 4Q12 from 3Q12, according to a new report from Infonetics Research.  The firm estimates the femtocell market totaled $425 million for all of 2012, up 21% from the previous year. “Femtocell sales are up for the third straight quarter and on a year-over-year basis, though growth to this point is modest for a market that’s still in evolution,” reports Richard Webb,...

Epson Launches VCXOs for Mobile Base Stations

Epson Electronics America introduced series of voltage controlled crystal oscillators (VCXO) designed for optical networking and LTE base stations. The Epson  VG-4513CB uses a high-frequency fundamental crystal to achieve output frequencies up to 500 MHz with no spurs and very low phase noise and low jitter. The company said its new  device is 87% smaller than existing VCXOs.  It can deliver output frequencies up to 500 MHz without...

Infonetics: Microwave Radio Market Declines

The global microwave equipment market totaled $1.2 billion in 4Q12, down 3% from 3Q12, and down 12% from the year-ago 4th quarter (4Q11), according to a new report from Infonetics Research.  Microwave equipment spending declined 10% worldwide for the full year 2012. "The microwave equipment market ended 2012 tamely,” reports Richard Webb, directing analyst for microwave and carrier WiFi at Infonetics Research. “The expected year-end boost...

AT&T's Latest Labor Contract Provides 2-3% Annual Wage Increase

The latest labor agreement reached between AT&T Mobility and the Communications Workers of America on Feb 22 includes general wage increases in each year of the four year contract -- 2 percent the first year, 2.5 percent the second year, 2.25 percent the third year, and 3 percent the fourth year.  It maintains pensions for all employees, plus retirement savings plans, with no changes. The four-year agreement covers approximately 20,000...