Thursday, July 11, 2024

Deutsche Telekom's Dr. Mudesir appointed chair of O-RAN Alliance

Dr. Abdurazak Mudesir, Group CTO of Deutsche Telekom, has been elected as Chair of the Board of O-RAN Alliance.

Under Abdu’s chairmanship, O-RAN ALLIANCE stays fully committed to its mission to transform Radio Access Networks to be open, intelligent, virtualized and fully interoperable.

Dr. Alex Jinsung Choi, with his departure from Deutsche Telekom, has stepped down from the O-RAN ALLIANCE Board Chair. Alex was one of the founding directors of the O-RAN ALLIANCE in 2018. He served as Chief Operations Officer until 2022, and then as Chair of the Board until June 2024. 

“O-RAN ALLIANCE plays an essential role in the industry by setting an open specification framework and by facilitating the development of an innovative and competitive O-RAN ecosystem,” said Abdurazak Mudesir, Chair of the Board of O-RAN ALLIANCE and Group CTO of Deutsche Telekom. “O-RAN ALLIANCE remains committed to its efforts in architecture design, interfaces and test specifications, open source developments as well as development of the O-RAN ecosystem towards large scale deployments and global impact.”