Wednesday, January 15, 2020

5G Future Forum aims for mobile-edge computing

A new 5G Future Forum is getting underway with the backing of America Movil, KT, Rogers, Telstra, Verizon and Vodafone to develop uniform interoperability specifications to improve speed to market for developers and multinational enterprises working on 5G-enabled solutions. In addition, Forum participants will develop public and private marketplaces to enhance developer and customer access to 5G, and will share global best practices in technology deployment.

"5G is a key enabler of the next global industrial revolution, where technology will transform how we live and work. It's critical that technology partners around the world unite to create the most seamless global experience for our customers," said Hans Vestberg, Chairman and CEO of Verizon. "We are proud to join with our fellow 5G leaders to unlock the full potential of applications and solutions that will transform with 5G's fast speeds, high reliability, improved security and single-digit latency."