Tuesday, April 19, 2022

JPNAP tests 400 GigE interconnects

JPNAP, one of Asia's largest internet exchanges (IX1), in partnership with Internet Initiative Japan (IIJ) an NTT Communications, conducted its first IX interconnection using 400-gigabit Ethernet.

The demonstration, which used 400-gigabit routers and switches from Arista, Cisco, and Juniper, tested interoperability at the physical and network levels, including optical switches, routing control, and 400-gigabit traffic flow using 400-gigabit interfaces (400G-FR4 and 400G-LR4) in the IX.

INTERNET MULTIFEED CO. (Multifeed), which operates JPNAP, provided the test environment and verified the interoperability of the 400-gigabit interface. IIJ and NTT Com verified the interoperability of the 400-gigabit interface from the standpoint of IX service users.

Multifeed said it will continue to study the introduction of a 400-gigabit service for JPNAP, targeting a commercial launch within the fiscal year ending next March, aiming to further enhance and expand its IX services with advanced technologies and services. IIJ and NTT Com also aim to introduce the technology to cope with increasing traffic and thereby enhance the mobile Internet as a key social infrastructure.

JPNAP has been providing a 100-gigabit interface since July 2012. With the continuing rise in Internet traffic, however, multiple 100-gigabit interfaces have been increasingly bundled out of necessity, pointing to the need for a wider bandwidth interface.
