Friday, August 3, 2012

Huawei Develops LTE-Advanced Multi-Stream Aggregation for Cell Edge

Huawei has contributed a new LTE-Advanced Multi-Stream Aggregation (MSA) technology to the 3GPP LTE-Advanced standards to boost data rates at a cell's edge. The technology coordinates macro cells to improve user data rates at the cell's edge and also between heterogeneous networking scenarios to improve peak rates and simplify mobile management to ensure a consistent user experience.

Huawei said its MSA technology reduces the number of handovers, lowering device power transmission and increasing device standby time. The company calculates that the technology will improve system performance at the cell's edge by almost 30%. The multi-stream aggregation is especially suitable for macro-micro HetNets. In hotspot area, macro cells provide basic LTE coverage while the micro cells provides capacity enhancement. The use of MSA technology allows users to receive controlled signaling from macro cells and services from best quality HetNet cell. Users at any location within the network can then enjoy fast and stable data services with ultra broadband, zero waiting and ubiquitous connectivity. MSA technology brings users high speeds and high quality as well as a simple service experience.

Huawei noted that it has contributed 293 core standards to the 3GPP LTE/LTE-Advanced standardization process.