Thursday, October 12, 2023

MEF: Industry Pivot to NaaS

MEF has just published a Network-as-a-Service (NaaS) Industry Blueprint designed to help service providers develop, market, and deliver the next generation of NaaS offerings. Does this represent the biggest challenge for MEF so far? Is it a pivot point for the industry?

Kevin Vachon, COO from MEF, explains:

- The recent MEF's Global NaaS event marked a pivotal point for the industry, with MEF going big with NaaS. The event brought together various industry players to discuss the future of NaaS, providing a baseline for the industry's current state and future plans.

- MEF's value proposition lies in its years of building standards for services, delivering these to the industry, and fostering collaboration. MEF has evolved into a platform that brings the industry together to use these standards, with a changing ecosystem that now includes different players like Salesforce, ServiceNow, and blockchain companies.

- MEF has announced an Enterprise Leadership Council to bring a cross-section of the Enterprise Community to the table. This is part of a broader program to bring Enterprises into MEF, with the council helping to shape this initiative.

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