Thursday, June 22, 2023

Verizon tests 5G network slicing

Verizon recently demonstrated multiple network slices using a commercially available smartphone, virtualized and non-virtualized RAN equipment in production in the field, and Verizon’s multi-vendor 5G standalone core.. 

This end-to-end test successfully accessed network slicing capabilities from the device and validated the ability for the device chipset, operating system, application, radio network base station, and the core of the network to work in harmony to demonstrate a full end-to-end path for data to travel on a virtual network slice. Network slicing will be made available with the evolution of Verizon’s 5G standalone core.

Verizon said its 5G standalone core’s cloud-native virtualized applications, in combination with built-in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML), will enable the dynamic allocation of the appropriate resources, referred to as network slicing. It will also allow for automated network configuration changes, including the ability to scale up or scale down network function capacity in real time - to provide the right service levels and network resources needed for each use case.

“Matching network performance characteristics to specific application requirements, network slicing promises differentiated customer experiences to efficiently provide our customers with the type of service they need to complete the task they want to complete on our network and provide them an exceptional experience,” said Adam Koeppe, Senior Vice President of Technology Planning at Verizon.