Nokia’s next-generation PSE-V super coherent optics have been tested successfully on PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia International (Telin)’s Indonesia Global Gateway’s (IGG) submarine live network. The trial was conducted last year over a 3,551 km subsea cable between Jurong in Singapore to Manado in Indonesia.
The trial utilized Nokia’s 1830 Photonic Service Switch (PSS) for Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) and repeater loading the 1830 Photonic Services Interconnect – Modular (PSI-M) compact modular platform for PSE-Vs transponder cards, enabling Telin to further improve spectral efficiency on its subsea cable systems, including repeaters.
Telin, which is the international arm of Telkom Indonesia, expects the solution will increase capacity by around 31% while lowering the total cost of ownership.
The trial exceeded the quality benchmark set by Telin and recorded a fiber capacity of 11Tb/s in the 2.2THz of optical fiber spectrum. Nokia and Telin recorded a capacity of 500 Gbps per channel compared to 400 Gbps per channel of the existing equipment.
Nokia PSE-V super coherent chipset ensures optimal use of spectrum by leveraging second-generation Probabilistic Constellation Shaping (PCS) technology with continuous baud rate adjustment.