Quantum Machines, a start-up developing a Quantum Orchestration Platform (QOP), has been selected by the Israel Innovation Authority (IIA) to lead the establishment of the Israel Quantum Computing Center. The center is part of the Israel National Quantum Initiative (INQI) and will host Israel's first fully functioning quantum computer that is available to the commercial and research communities.
Other consortium partners include:
- Elbit Systems is a strategic partner in this project and will be part of the center's advisory board. Elbit will lead the design of quantum applications for the government sector and assign dedicated teams to advance their development.
- QuantWare will provide its superconducting Quantum Processing Units (QPUs)
- ORCA Computing will provide its scalable quantum photonics computing system
- ColdQuanta will provide its cold atoms based quantum computing system
- ParTec will provide a High-Performance Computing (HPC) platform and provide services for the integration of HPC and quantum computing
- Classiq and Super.tech will provide their state-of-the-art software application layer capabilities, including quantum software development tools and benchmarking software for all of the center's platforms.
"We look forward to working with the Israel Innovation Authority (IIA) to lead the development of the country's first fully functioning quantum computing center," said Itamar Sivan, co-founder and CEO of Quantum Machines. "The open architecture approach that Quantum Machines and our world-leading partners in the consortium enable, will ensure compatibility with the quantum technologies of the future. This will allow the center's quantum computer to scale from tens of qubits today, to hundreds and thousands of qubits in the next few years. Our goal is to give Israeli companies access to the most advanced quantum technologies and services so that they can develop deep quantum expertise across industry and academia. This expertise will allow Israeli companies across a broad range of sectors and industries to gain a leading global position."