Wednesday, September 23, 2020

MWC Barcelona rescheduled for June 28

 Mobile World Congress Barcelona has been rescheduled for June 28th to July 1st, 2021.

The dates for Mobile World Congress Shanghai have been moved ahead to February 23-25, 2021.

Mats Granryd, Director General, GSMA said: “With a continuously changing global outlook and following consultation with our board and membership and our top exhibitors, we have taken the careful decision to reschedule MWC21 Shanghai in February, and MWC21 Barcelona in June. The health and safety of our exhibitors, attendees, staff and the people of Barcelona are of paramount importance.”

Pau Relat, President of Governing board of Fira de Barcelona, said: “We fully support the GSMA’s decision to reschedule the dates for MWC Barcelona and are deeply committed to making the best possible 2021 edition with an extraordinary participation of companies and visitors. The long-standing partnership between the MWC, Fira and the city of Barcelona has been a very successful one for everyone, and I’m sure it will continue to be so in the future.”