Monday, June 29, 2020

Xilinx raises its revenue guidance

Xilinx raised the range of its prior guidance for its first quarter of fiscal 2021 ended June 27, 2020. The new expectations are as follows:

“While we have seen some COVID-19 related impacts during the June quarter, our business has generally performed well overall, with stronger than expected revenues in our Wired and Wireless Group and Data Center Group more than offsetting weaker than expected revenues in our consumer-oriented end markets, including automotive, broadcast, and consumer. A portion of the revenue strength in the quarter was due to customers accelerating orders following recent changes to the U.S. government restrictions on sales of certain of our products to international customers,” said Victor Peng, Xilinx’s President and Chief Executive Officer.

“Given our preliminary assessment of the expected financial results in the June quarter, we are raising the midpoint for revenue and narrowing our overall guidance ranges. Furthermore, we are updating our expected tax rate for the June quarter to include the prior and current year potential impacts of the Altera Corp. v. Commissioner tax case, a third-party legal proceeding concerning related-party R&D cost sharing arrangements and stock-based compensation. The potential impact for prior years is approximately $57 million while the impact to the fiscal 2021 expected tax rate is an additional 1%-2%.”