Sunday, June 14, 2020

Cloudera launches Data Platform Private Cloud

Cloudera launched the culmination of its enterprise data cloud vision.

Cloudera Data Platform Private Cloud (CDP Private Cloud) is designed to seamlessly connect on-premises environments to public clouds with consistent, built-in security and governance.

CDP Private Cloud, built on Red Hat OpenShift and leverages a hybrid architecture, powered by Kubernetes, that separates compute and storage for greater agility, ease of use, and more efficient use of private and public cloud infrastructure. Together, Red Hat OpenShift and CDP Private Cloud help create a hybrid, multi-cloud data architecture, enabling teams to rapidly onboard mission-critical applications and run them anywhere, without disrupting existing ones. Companies can now collect, enrich, report, serve and model enterprise data for any business use case in any cloud.

“Now is the time for IT leaders to choose a data architecture for the next decade and break free from the limitations of legacy data cloud and point provider architectures,” said Arun Murthy, chief product officer, Cloudera. “CDP Private Cloud, running on Red Hat OpenShift, modernizes data platforms leveraging decoupled storage and compute with containers and Kubernetes to accelerate time value by 10x and ensures critical workloads meet their SLAs, realizing the vision of the enterprise data cloud.”

CDP Private Cloud is currently in beta with select customers. It is expected to be generally available later this summer.