ThousandEyes published a Global Internet Outages Map that provides visibility into business and consumer-impacting Internet outages around the world.
ThousandEyes vantage points around the world perform billions of measurements each day to detect when traffic flows are disrupted within ISPs, public cloud networks and other service providers. This network telemetry data is algorithmically analyzed as part of ThousandEyes’ core Digital Experience Monitoring platform and the macro outages that are detected are displayed on an interactive map as part of ThousandEyes’ Internet Insights offering.
“Over the past couple of weeks, we’ve been inundated with requests from businesses, industry analysts and other various parties wanting to get a better understanding of global Internet health during these trying times,” said Mohit Lad, co-founder and CEO of ThousandEyes. “Today, we’re thrilled to release the Global Internet Outages Map to give businesses and consumers alike a reliable source based on actual internet telemetry instead of public rumor to help them understand what’s happening on the Internet at any point in time.”
Monday, March 23, 2020
ThousandEyes maps Global Internet Outages
Monday, March 23, 2020