Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Napatech brings new funding for expanding SmartNICs business

Napatech raised $8.7 million in a private placement of financing to support its expanding business in reconfigurable computing platforms. The new funding was underwritten by a group of well-known European investors by offering new shares in Napatech.

Napatech said it will use the net proceeds to accelerate and commercialize new, innovative solutions in cybersecurity and virtualization acceleration that will improve growth within its FPGA-based hardware and software product lines. In addition, the company will focus on new and additional engineering development to accelerate delivery of these new products to the market in 2019 and 2020.  This includes SmartNICs, which are being used to accelerate virtual switching applications, such as Open Virtual Switch. In cybersecurity, SmartNICs deliver 100% packet capture for real-time network insight and action.

Napatech’s FPGA SmartNIC software is available for use with the leading FPGA solutions from Xilinx, including the Virtex and Ultrascale+ lines, and the Intel Programmable Acceleration Card (PAC) featuring the Intel Arria 10 GX FPGA.

Napatech’s FPGA-based intelligent network interface cards (NICs) provide an easy way for enterprises and service providers to accelerate applications, improve cybersecurity and increase server utilization as cloud, hybrid and software-defined networks become more mission-critical.

Ray Smets, CEO, Napatech said: “Major changes in communications created by hyperscale computing, 5G mobile and the Internet of Things are transforming the technology needs of businesses. As the volume of users, devices and data continues to increase, Fortune 5000 enterprises, service providers and government operators are rethinking the way they design, deploy, operate and secure their networks and services.  We believe we are well-positioned to move toward our goals of bringing hyper-scale computing benefits to IT organizations of every size and enhancing the long-term growth of the company and value for shareholders.”
