Thursday, March 7, 2019

CREDO highlights electrical and optical 100G PAM4

At this week's OFC 2019, CREDO conducted multiple live demonstrations of its low power, high-performance 112Gbps (G) PAM4 Serializer-Deserializer (SerDes) technologies.

“New high demand workloads such as artificial intelligence are moving to the cloud and are driving the need to deliver dramatic increases in throughput overall for data center, enterprise and high-performance computing environments,” said Rajan Pai, vice president of system applications at Credo. “Our 112G PAM4 demonstrations with industry leading standards bodies are laying the groundwork for providing ubiquitous 112G lane-rate connectivity at the performance and scale required.”

“Credo’s 112G single lane rate electrical and optical connectivity technologies are being well received,” said Jeff Twombly, vice president of business development at Credo. “End customers continue to push for significant increases in network bandwidth and the industry as a whole will benefit greatly by a rapid move to single lane rate, end-to-end 112G deployments.”