Thursday, December 8, 2016

IEEE and EIT Digital Publish 5G Roadmap

IEEE and EIT Digital published a joint roadmap for 5G innovation.

Included in the roadmap are:

  • The Open Source Wiki Toolkit and Testbed - an open source testbed catalog that will serve the research community and industry to accelerate innovation and experimentation. It will be available as part of the IEEE Service Infrastructure with support from Fraunhofer FOKUS, several international operators and universities
  • A demo of the first Open Federated Testbed portal (FTB portal) clustering testbeds supporting SDN testing, creating a single access gateway to several testbeds across the Atlantic
  • The first phase for the creation of an Open Testing and Certification Collaboration Forum facilitated by both organizations with the support of select operators, manufacturers and innovators

“Europe is committed to fostering rapid development and deployment of 5G in an open environment that can benefit from worldwide contribution. The OTC is seen as a first step in this master plan. In the coming years, 5G will be built and put to use, enabling a rapid growth of IoT Digital Infrastructure with impact on Digital Cities, Digital Health, and Digital Industries, areas that are fundamental components of EIT Digital’s strategies for driving digital Innovation in Europe leading to positive societal impact and economic growth,” stated Marko Turpeinen, Director EIT Digital Silicon Valley Hub.