Two new IEEE 802.3 projects are set to begin:
- The IEEE P802.3cc project will complete the 25 Gb/s Ethernet family of physical layer specifications (PHYs)
- The IEEE P802.3cd project will enable 50 Gb/s Ethernet for next generation server speed and next generation campus cores as well responding to the industry desire to lower costs for next generation 100 Gb/s Ethernet solutions.

“The demand for Ethernet continues to expand rapidly throughout the industry driving the need for market relevant standards to support the adoption and growth of Ethernet,” said David Law, chair, IEEE 802.3 Ethernet Working Group. “These latest IEEE 802.3 Ethernet Working Group projects will address the increasing needs for speeds targeted at specific application areas, and help ensure best practices are implemented through the principles of standardization.”
Both the IEEE P802.3cd and IEEE P802.3bs projects will enable 200 Gb/s Ethernet which will provide a next generation network aggregation speed.