Monday, September 14, 2015

Zayo Doubles Down on Miami Data Center

Zayo plans to double the size of its Miami data center by early 2016.

zColo, which is the data center and colocation business of Zayo Group Holdings, provides colocation and interconnection services at the Miami data center for some of Zayo’s largest customers, including top content and gaming providers.

Zayo developed the center in downtown Miami as a key interconnection hub, partnering with Netflix and to form the Florida Internet Exchange (FL-IX). This new exchange allows content providers, ISPs and enterprises to exchange traffic in an open and transparent environment. FL-IX connectivity is provided through Zayo’s Miami data center and provides an important part of the interconnection ecosystem.

“Customers have embraced this new data center with the extensive interconnection capability we have built,” said Stephanie Copeland, president of Zayo’s zColo. “This is evidenced by the support of key anchor customers out of the gate, plus strong follow-on demand in the short period since. Miami is a vibrant and growing market, and an important Latin American gateway for many companies. We have provided a differentiated option in the market.”

Zayo’s zColo U.S. footprint totals 36 facilities and more than 480,000 square feet of billable space.