Monday, February 27, 2012

Ericsson joins OpenStack

Ericsson has joined the OpenStack project, an open-source community dedicated to creating cloud software. Ericsson plans to contribute to further developing OpenStack to support carrier-grade services and applications. OpenStack provides a flexible alternative cloud management solution that is based on open-source components.

At Mobile World Congress (MWC) 2012, Ericsson is demonstrating a unique virtual data center manager solution based on OpenStack that coordinates three data centers distributed across different continents. Slices of virtual data centers are created at the three physical locations and are bound together through elastic networking. This forms a separate distributed virtual private cloud, with seamless end-to-end operation and multi-tenant support provided by associating one or several distributed virtual private clouds with each tenant.

Also at MWC, Ericsson and recently acquired Telcordia are demonstrating an integrated cloud-management stack based on OpenStack.