Sunday, February 5, 2012

Calix Lands 12 More Broadband Stimulus Projects

Calix has been selected by an additional 12 communications service providers to support approximately $153 million of Broadband Initiatives Program (BIP) Stimulus projects across the United States, of which only a portion of this value is access equipment.

The company notes that with this announcement, aggregate Calix vendor selections by Broadband Stimulus winners for "last mile" and "middle mile" awards have now reached 87 different projects representing over $1.65 billion in Stimulus-related grants, loans, and private investment for plant engineering, materials, labor, and other costs, including access equipment.

The projects will deploy both fiber access and digital subscriber line (DSL) across the Calix B6, C7, and E7 platforms to bring some of the nation's most advanced broadband services to residences, businesses, and community institutions in 11 states, and are expected to both boost local economies and create new jobs in the U.S.