Wednesday, August 10, 2011

ActiveVideo Files For Injunction Against Verizon FiOS

ActiveVideo Networks, which last week was awarded damages totaling $115 million in a jury trial of the company's patent infringement suit against Verizon, has now filed for an injunction to prevent further use of its technology in Verizon's FiOS TV service.

ActiveVideo said it is seeking to protect is rights as the inventor of technology used in the delivery of advanced television applications such as video-on-demand (VOD) and interactive TV. Specifically, the company points to four key patents:

  • United States Patent No. 6,034,678, titled "Cable Television System With Remote Interactive Processor;"

  • United States Patent No. 5,550,578, titled "Interactive And Conventional Television Information System;"

  • United States Patent No. 6,100,883, titled "Home Interface Controller for Providing Interactive Cable Television;" and
  • United States Patent No. 6,205,582, titled "Interactive Cable Television System with Frame Server."

  • ActiveVideo's customer list includes Cablevision, Time Warner Cable, PCCW, Grande Communications and others.