Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Gigamon Introduces Smaller Data Access Switch for Monitoring Tools

Gigamon introduced an entry level version of its Data Access Switch, which aggregates, multicasts, filters and divides traffic flows across multiple passive monitoring tools.

The GigaVUE-212 is a modular packet-aware Data Access Switch with much of the same functionality as the company's existing platforms. It offers an eight 1GE ports and two 10GE ports with an optional expansion module for support of another four 1GE ports.

Gigamon's data access switch provides span ports for out-of-band monitoring of complex and remote networks. The new GigaVUE-212 can be used by data centers or enterprises who either require a low-cost option in order to enhance their network monitoring for the first time, or who have areas of their networks where they need lower port counts to support monitoring.

  • Earlier this year, Gigamon released new "GigaSMART" software that leverages 10 Gbps, full line-rate packet modification technology to offer time stamping, network port labeling, slicing and masking capabilities.