Wednesday, April 22, 2009

WildBlue Demos Next Gen Satellite Broadband at 18 Mbps

WildBlue Communications has brought its mobile demonstration trailer to Denver to showcase what satellite broadband will be like in the future, with download speeds approaching 18Mbps, twelve times faster than current WildBlue service. The currently serves nearly 400,000 customers in the rural U.S., including 11,000 subscribers here in Colorado.

As the U.S. Department of Commerce and the U.S. Department of Agriculture begins to map out criteria for the $7.2 billion in federal stimulus funding targeted at broadband, WildBlue is seeking to demonstrate how satellite broadband serves the needs of the hardest-to-reach homeowners and small businesses in America. WildBlue Communications has been an advocate in Washington, D.C. for the satellite broadband industry as satellite technology is an essential component in the initiative to provide universal broadband access to all Americans.