Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Fanfare Launches iTest 3.3 Test Automation

Fanfare released an updated version of its test automation product. iTest 3.3 builds on earlier releases to integrate test assets and automate complex system testing using hardware and software from a variety of different vendors. iTest 3.3 also enables broader use across the quality chain, from the development stage through to customer testing sites.

New features of iTest 3.3 include:

  • Intelligent Response Parser (IRP) -- allows pass/fail criteria to be determined in a single mouse click

  • Automatic Response Map -- enables IRP pass/fail criteria to be easily maintainable across several releases, even when software changes

  • iTest Assistant -- reinforces workflow for a particular company's quality process, and assists new users of iTest

  • Serial Port -- a new functionality that automates testing of systems and devices accessed via the Serial Port

  • Features to ease the testing of High Availability functionality in carrier-class devices