Nokia Siemens Networks confirmed plans to limit its investment in GPON, saying it believes the mass market roll out of fiber-to-the-home (FTTH) is unlikely in the short term.
Instead, Nokia Siemens Networks plans to focus on DSL and next generation optical access (NGOA) technology, which it expects to play a leading role in the future FTTH market. The company also intends to introduce new products addressing the increasing deployment of FTTC/B.
"Fiber is progressing closer to the home with the focus today on fiber-to-the-curb or building with last mile connectivity based on proven DSL technology," said Christoph Caselitz, Nokia Siemens Networks Chief Market Operations Officer. "Our view is that mass market roll out of fiber-to-the-home is unlikely in the short term due to regulatory uncertainty and the operator's business cases. This will be different with the NGOA technology, where we will target to take a leading role."
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Nokia Siemens Networks Refocuses R&D on DSL and Next Gen Optical access
Thursday, July 17, 2008
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