Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Belgacom selects Alcatel-Lucent's VDSL2 FTTN

Belgacom has selected Alcatel-Lucent as supplier for its fiber-to-the-node VDSL2 network, which will deliver full triple play services, including multiple IPTV channels on multiple TV sets simultaneously and HDTV to more than 60% of the Belgian households in spring 2008. Financial terms were not disclosed.

Belgacom's Broadway infrastructure project will bring fiber down to the street cabinet level on a national scale. VDSL2 will provide the connection into the home. The large-scale rollout throughout Belgium will cover more than 14,000 nodes.

Under the contract, Alcatel-Lucent will be supplying its 7302 Intelligent Services Access Manager (ISAM) for central office deployment and its 7330 Intelligent Services Access Manager (ISAM) fiber-to-the-node (FTTN) system with the 7356 Remote Expansion Module, all of which will be managed by the 5523 AWS Element Management System. The broadband access network integrates with the already operational IP aggregation network supplied by Alcatel-Lucent and based on its 7450 ESS and 7750 SR service router products.
