Monday, February 13, 2006

Vativ Supplies 10 GigE Copper Transceiver for Occam's BLC 6000

Vativ Technologies, a fabless semiconductor company based in San Diego, will supply its 10Gigabit Ethernet (10GbE) copper transceiver for Occam Networks' next generation Intelligent Blade Interconnect Architecture. Using Vativ's transceiver device, Occam's BLC 6000 Broadband Loop Carrier System is able to offer flexible, low-cost, blade interconnect solutions operating at 10 Gbps over copper cabling.

The addition of Vativ's V10LAN-based VTV1110 transceiver device to Occam's broadband loop carrier enables blade-to-blade and rack-to-rack 10Gbps connections across CAT-5 cabling.
