Monday, October 3, 2005

EarthLink Selected for Philadelphia's Municipal Wi-Fi

The City of Philadelphia selected EarthLink to develop and implement the largest municipal Wi-Fi network in the U.S. No City or taxpayer dollars will be used to fund the project. EarthLink will finance, build and manage the wireless network, and provide Wireless Philadelphia with revenue sharing fees to help support the Wireless Philadelphia Non-Profit Corporation.

EarthLink plans to implement a 135-square-mile, city-wide Wi-Fi mesh network, which is expected to be fully operational by the fourth quarter of 2006. The network is intended to provide:

  • Inexpensive, high-speed Internet access;

  • Open access for multiple, competing service providers;

  • Roaming capabilities for providers of hot spot access;

  • Free Internet access in some parks and public spaces;

  • Daily and weekly access for occasional users and visitors;

  • Small business connectivity and serve as a wireless T-1 alternative.