Wednesday, May 18, 2005

SunRocket to Support VoIP 911

SunRocket announced that it expects to meet ahead of time the new FCC requirements for VoIP E-911 and that the majority of its customers are already provided E-911.

The company said that by carefully assigning phone numbers matched with the legacy service areas for those phone numbers, it can enable E-911 for customers today without requiring expensive modifications. Currently, the traditional E-911 infrastructure cannot easily accommodate "out-of-region" phone numbers and "nomadic" scenarios, where consumers might transport their VoIP equipment between different locations. When the E-911 infrastructure is enhanced to support these situations, SunRocket will also support those applications.

SunRocket said it was encouraged by its wholesale network partners, Global Crossing and Broadwing Communications, which enable E-911 for its customers. As SunRocket expands its service footprint via additional wholesale partners in the coming weeks, E-911 will remain an essential ingredient.