Wednesday, May 18, 2005

"Combined Endeavor" Brings Together Largest Interoperability Event

"Combined Endeavor 2005", the largest and most complex Communications and Information System (CIS) military exercise in the world, is currently underway in Lager Aulenbach, Germany , with the participation of more than 1,200 military and civilian personnel from 43 countries and four continents.

The 13-day military exercise, which is organized by the U.S. European Command and the German and Romanian Ministries of Defense, brings together NATO and Partnership for Peace nations to plan and execute interoperability testing of command, control, communications and computer equipment systems from participant nations in support of future combined humanitarian, peacekeeping and disaster relief operations.

Participants in Combined Endeavor 2005 will be conducting over 1,400 different interoperability tests, with the main elements being satellite communications, video teleconferencing, VoIP, and single channel radio networking.

During the exercise, Spirent Federal Systems is supporting the Joint Interoperability Test Command (JITC) with a team of System Engineers and the latest test instrumentation. The JITC, based out of Fort Huachuca, Ariz., is a field command of the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) and supports all the military services in their efforts to manage information both on and off the battlefield with the continual goal of achieving command, control, communication, computers and intelligence (C4I) interoperability. As part of the JITC team, Spirent Federal is using Spirent's Abacus 5000 to conduct VoIP and video testing and using Spirent's SmartBits Performance Analysis Test System with its Avalanche Web and Security Test System to simulate multiple users of the data network into command centers.