Monday, June 21, 2004

Turin Unveils SONET/SDH and Ethernet Edge System for Metro Access

Turin Networks introduced its "TraverseEdge 100" (TE-100), a compact next-generation SONET/SDH and Ethernet edge system for metro access networks. The platform can be used to aggregate a combination of DS1 or E1, DS3 or E3, Fast Ethernet and Gigabit Ethernet service interfaces onto dual high-speed SONET OC-3/12/48 or SDH STM-1/4/16 ports

The TE-100 supports key standards, including GFP (Generic Framing Procedure), LCAS (Link Capacity Adjustment Scheme) and both Low-order and High-order Virtual Concatenation (VCAT), which enable Ethernet traffic to be transported more efficiently over the SONET/SDH infrastructure. In addition, the TE-100 is the first product in its class that integrates Ethernet switching functions to aggregate and manage traffic at layer 2, and deliver next generation Ethernet services such multi-point VPNs (Virtual Private Networks) with guaranteed service levels.

The TE-100 was designed to work seamlessly with Turin Networks' industry leading metro transport network solution, the Traverse Multiservice Transport Platform.

Turin Networks said its TE-100 is differentiated from competing platforms by exceeding standard SONET/SDH facilities protection with optional equipment protection for the high-speed optical network interfaces.

The SONET version of the TE-100 will be available in Q3 and an SDH version will be available in Q4.