Boingo Wireless and Linksys, a division of Cisco Systems, announced a joint "Hot Spot in a Box" program that makes it easier for small businesses to offer public Wi-Fi access coffee shops, restaurants, doctor's offices, gas stations, independent hotels, retail outlets, and office lobbies. By connecting the router to an existing DSL, cable or other broadband connection and activating the Hot Spot in a Box feature, a business owner can add their location to the Boingo Roaming System, a network of nearly 7,000 hot spots worldwide. The companies estimate that operating a Boingo hot spot can generate profits of between $300 and $400 per month based on an average of only two user connections per day and 10 sign-ups per month. All related marketing, billing, 1-800 technical support and other back-office services are handled by Boingo and its Platform Services partners. http://www.boingo.com