Wednesday, March 3, 2004

OIF Completes Two Network-to-Network Interface Agreements

The Optical Internetworking Forum (OIF) approved two implementation agreements (IAs) that address control plane protocols needed for end-to-end optical connections.

The Intra-Carrier External Network-to-Network Interface (E-NNI) 1.0 Signaling IA enables end-to-end connection management by providing a uniform way for carriers to interconnect network domains. It was derived directly from carrier requirements.

The second IA the OIF membership has approved is an update to the UNI 1.0 Signaling IA, addressing extensions to RSVP-TE signaling protocols. The UNI 1.0 Signaling Release 2 IA defines a set of services, signaling protocols and mechanisms used to transport signaling messages and the auto-discovery procedures that aid signaling. The agreement is aimed at assisting client and transport network equipment vendors in supporting UNI 1.0 and defines UNI signaling based on adapting GMPLS RSVP-TE specifications. While not changing UNI 1.0 functionality, the new agreement reflects recent developments in other standards bodies and builds upon lessons learned from the OIF's multi-vendor interoperability event conducted at the OFC 2003 show in Atlanta.

The OIF said the advent of the automatic switched transport network has made it necessary for carriers to employ interoperable procedures for requesting and establishing dynamic connection services across diverse networks. Both of these IAs facilitate end-to-end auto provisioning of bandwidth services.