Sunday, April 7, 2024

Cloudflare acquires Baselime for its cloud-native observability platform

Cloudflare announced its acquisition of Baselime, a start-up specializing in cloud-native observability platforms. Financial terms were not disclosed.

The Baselime platform offers a suite of tools designed to provide deep insights into application performance, errors, and usage patterns, making it an essential resource for developers working in cloud-native environments.

Key Highlights of the Acquisition:

  • Enhanced Observability for Serverless Apps: By integrating Baselime's observability technology, Cloudflare is poised to offer visibility into serverless applications, addressing one of the significant challenges in serverless computing.
  • Developer-Centric Innovations: The union aims to empower developers with advanced tools for analyzing observability data, adopting OpenTelemetry standards, and extracting actionable insights, facilitated by AI debugging and real-time tracking.
  • Commitment to Developer Experience: Cloudflare and Baselime share a vision for simplifying the development process. This acquisition underscores Cloudflare's commitment to providing developers with the necessary tools to build, ship, and troubleshoot applications efficiently.

Cloudflare's CEO, Matthew Prince, emphasized the importance of observability tools in becoming the leading developer platform, stating, "We believe that to be the leading developer platform, having the best observability tools built in is going to be table stakes."

Boris Tane, founder and CEO of Baselime, expressed excitement about the acquisition, highlighting the synergy between Baselime's mission and Cloudflare's ecosystem, "With Cloudflare, we're positioned to deeply integrate into a platform that two million developers trust, enabling them to build, ship, and troubleshoot applications fast."