Thursday, January 11, 2024

APC Predictions 2024: Navigating the Evolving Optical Ecosystem

 Check out all 2024 Predictions from Industry Thought Leaders:

Jeff Maki, Distinguished Engineer from Advanced Photonics Coalition, predicts:

- The industry's ecosystem is undergoing significant changes, with increased opportunities for competitive aspects and understanding one's position within the ecosystem. Each level, from hyperscalers to material suppliers, has a responsibility to leverage opportunities with competitors to mature their level of the ecosystem.

- There will be an increase in competitors coming together to set future opportunities, particularly through the use of standards. Standards indicate maturing technology and offer licensing opportunities, even for technology backed by patents. 

- New standards bodies, like the Advanced Photonics Coalition, will emerge to meet the industry's evolving needs. These bodies will form working groups at different ecosystem levels, working towards specifications that document collaboration among competitors and bring value to end customers.

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