Tuesday, November 17, 2020

AWS Network Firewall managed service goes online

Amazon Web Services announced the general availability of AWS Network Firewall, a new managed security service that makes it easier for customers to enable network protections across all of their AWS workloads. The service automatically scales with network traffic to provide high availability protections without the need to set up or maintain the underlying infrastructure. 

AWS Network Firewall’s flexible rules engine gives customers granular control to define their own custom rules or integrate with their existing security ecosystem by importing rules from leading AWS Partner Network (APN) security partners like AlertLogic, CrowdStrike, Fortinet, and Trend Micro. 

Customers pay only by hours deployed and gigabytes processed. 

“When we talk to customers about what they want in a cloud network firewall they tell us that they want network protections that work with their existing security systems and without the headache of managing the underlying infrastructure,” said Steve Schmidt, CISO, AWS. “AWS Network Firewall provides scalable network protections that allow customers to deploy highly customizable rules for their entire AWS infrastructure, and integrates with many of the APN partner services that customers already use. Best of all, there’s no need to configure or maintain additional infrastructure.”
