Sunday, October 18, 2020

NTT reports quantum transport phenomena in thin film

 Researchers at NTT in Japan, in collaboration with the Tanaka Research Group at The University of Tokyo, reported the first observation of a quantum transport phenomena occuring in a thin film substance.

The material exhibited an an exotic state called “magnetic Wey semimetal".  The researchers also revealed the existence of the exotic state in SrRuO3 by theoretical calculation as well, which was carried out in collaboration with the Das Research Group at the Tokyo Institute of Technology .

NTT said the results provide robust evidence for the existence of the magnetic Weyl semimetal state in materials as well as insight into the quantum transport properties in such an exotic state and their emerging mechanisms. The research could lead to innovative oxide materials and novel quantum devices in the future.

This research was reported in Nature Communications on October 9, 2020.