Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Seaborn offers global interconnection to DE-CIX

DE-CIX and Seaborn are expanding their are now offering access and interconnection services to DE-CIX IXs in Marseille, Madrid, New York and Dallas, as well as one of the world’s largest IX by peak traffic, DE-CIX Frankfurt.

The interconnection provides Seaborn customers the ability to access DE-CIX IXs through a single one-stop-shop solution directly with Seaborn, or to select Seaborn’s network for transport connectivity to DE-CIX for the greatest amount of flexibility in transport and IX access.

Seaborn operates a network across the Americas delivering IP, Ethernet and Transport services underpinned by the speed and quality of its Seabras-1 subsea fiber cable between Sao Paulo and New York. With a measured latency of 107.68ms RTD between metropolitan Sao Paulo POPs and DE-CIX New York, Seabras-1 provides the most direct path from Brazil to DE-CIX.

“Across the Americas, sophisticated customers are looking for more than just IP connectivity, and so the ability to leverage the value provided by DE-CIX exchanges on a global basis is very important to them,” states Michel Marcelino, SVP and Head of Latin America for Seaborn.

“Through the partnership with Seaborn, thousands of networks in South America are now able to join DE-CIX, the largest neutral interconnection and peering ecosystem worldwide,” comments Ivo Ivanov, CEO of DE-CIX International. “Especially interconnecting in New York becomes extremely attractive in comparison to Miami. Using the low latency at the Seaborn infrastructure, network operators from Latin America can enjoy the huge variety of connectivity and peering options at DE-CIX New York as their natural global gateway to North America, Canada and Europe at the same time.”