Thursday, June 4, 2020

2020 OSA Imaging and Applied Optics Congress, 23 – 26 June

The 2020 OSA Imaging and Applied Optics Congress and the co-located OSA Optical Sensors and Sensing Congress will be virtual events this year presented 22 – 26 June. Key topics will include spectroscopic sensing by laser techniques, new sensing approaches to spectroscopic and material-based gas sensors, images of a black hole and design strategies for sensor array cameras.

  • In his talk titled “Laser Spectroscopic Sensing in Environmental, Ecological and Biomedical Research,” Sensing Congress plenary speaker Sune Svanberg, professor at South China Normal University, Guangzhou, China will discuss how these laser techniques and non-intrusive monitoring are being applied to areas strongly impacting human daily life. 
  • Sensing Congress plenary speaker Radislav Potyrailo, principal scientist at GE Research, USA will analyze capabilities of natural and fabricated photonic three-dimensional nanostructures as sensors for detection of different gases. His talk titled “Journey from Natural to Fabricated Gas Sensing Photonic Nanostructures: Unexpected Discoveries and Societal Impact” will highlight performance advances in detection of multiple gases with specific nanostructure designs.
  • Techniques developed by the Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration to photograph a black hole will be the focus of the Imaging Congress plenary with speaker Katie Bouman, assistant professor at California Institute of Technology, USA. Bouman’s talk titled “Capturing the First Picture of a Black Hole and Beyond,” will describe how data from the Event Horizon Telescope’s observations of a black hole were calibrated and imaged, and future developments with telescope arrays.
  • David Brady, professor at Duke University, USA will review design strategies for heterogeneous sensor array cameras and analyze system performance for various recent designs in his Imaging Congress plenary talk titled “Defining the Digital Camera.” The camera consists of a variety of sensor resources, potentially including lens and sensor arrays with various forms of active illumination and 3D sensing.

The all-virtual 2020 OSA Optical Sensors and Sensing Congress, 22 – 25 June, comprised of five topical meetings, features the latest optical-based sensor advances as the market continues to expand and sensor technology becomes more sophisticated. Conference registration is free for all participants and currently open. You must register in advance to receive the web link to access the conference.

The all-virtual 2020 OSA Imaging and Applied Optics Congress, 23 – 26 June, comprised of five topical meetings, highlights the latest imaging research and applications of these technologies to industrial, military and medical challenges. Conference registration is free for all participants and currently open. You must register in advance to receive the web link to access the conference.