Monday, August 26, 2019

Video: SD-WAN, Intelligent Underlay Networks & the Edge - Dan Pitt, MEF

MEF Annual Meeting – July/August 2019, Dan Pitt, SVP, MEF, outlines MEF’s strategy for SD-WAN and how it relates to MEF's work on intelligent underlay connectivity services, LSO APIs for service automation, and the intelligent edge.

“This is the year of SD-WAN, and MEF is making a big play in SD-WAN."

All the things that MEF does are coming together with SD-WAN.  MEF has a series of intelligent underlays – Carrier Ethernet, Layer 1 Optical, and IP – that are now feeding lucrative overlay, upper layer services like SD-WAN. At the same time, MEF is working on intent-based networking that will translate SD-WAN performance and security objectives into granular technical policies at the network level. In addition, MEF work in progress on LSO APIs will enable service providers to orchestrate SD-WAN services over various technologies and equipment from different SD-WAN vendors.

“And here’s what’s really interesting – SD-WAN is going to be the catalyst for the most exciting thing to hit networking in a long time. And that is the edge. The edge is where the money is to be made. It is going to be where AI and ML are effected. And it’s going to be a huge opportunity for the enterprises, the carriers, and the cloud providers. We are putting into place all of the artifacts that make it possible for those to interact, develop new business, and take advantage of new technologies all at once. So, it’s really all coming together around SD-WAN. And MEF has all of the pieces to make a really meaningful approach.”

Download the SD-WAN Standard
MEF’s SD-WAN Service Attributes and Services (MEF 70) standard describes requirements for an application-aware, over-the-top WAN connectivity service that uses policies to determine how application flows are directed over multiple underlay networks irrespective of the underlay technologies or service providers who deliver them. Download here:

To explore the latest on SD-WAN innovation and to engage with industry-leading service and technology experts such as Dan Pitt, attend MEF19 (, held 18-22 November 2019 in Los Angeles, California.