Tuesday, October 4, 2016

ETSI’s Open Source MANO (OSM) Hits Release 1

ETSI’s Open Source MANO (OSM) group announced the first release of its open source Management and Orchestration (MANO) software stack.

OSM Release ONE, which closely aligned with ETSI NFV, comes less than six months since the inaugural meeting of the OSM community.

The OSM group said Release ONE could be installed in operator labs to create a scalable and interoperable open source MANO environment. Release ONE substantially enhances interoperability with other components (VNFs, VIMs, SDN controllers) and creates a plugin framework to make platform maintenance and extensions significantly easier to provide and support.

Highlights of the list of technical features in Release ONE include:

  • Natively supported VIMs: VMwareTM, OpenStack and OpenVIM
  • Support for reference SDN Controllers, such as OpenDayLight (ODL) and FloodLight
  • A plugin model to facilitate the addition of new types of VIMs and SDN Controllers, thus minimizing developer effort
  • Multi-site Network Services, to respond to operator requirements, allowing deployments that span across multiple datacenters
  • A one-step installer, based on containers and Juju modelling, to simplify testing, customization and deployment of OSM
  • Extended virtualized network functions (VNF) and network service models, allowing Day-Zero VNF configuration
  • OpenVIM code, included as part of the OSM install, providing a reference VIM for all-in-one installations with full support of Enhanced Platform Awareness. Uniquely, users are not required to have a pre-existing VIM installation in their premises before installing OSM

“The pace of the group’s work has been amazing, and as one of the fastest growing NFV and SDN open source projects, OSM now proudly counts 46 members including many of the leading global operators” says Francisco-Javier Ramón, ETSI OSM Chair and Head of Network Virtualisation Initiative at Telefónica, Global CTO.


#MWC16: Open Source MANO Initiative Gets Underway

A new industry initiative is underway for the development of Open Source software for Management and Orchestration (MANO) of Network Functions Virtualization (NFV). The group is sponsored by ETSI and its founders include BT, Canonical, Intel, Mirantis, RIFT.io Inc, Telefonica, Telekom Austria Group and Telenor.

Two of the key components of the ETSI NFV architectural framework are the NFV Orchestrator and VNF (Virtualized Network Function) Manager, known as NFV MANO. Additional layers, such as service orchestration are also required for operators to enable true NFV services. Open Source software can facilitate the implementation of an ETSI aligned NFV architecture, provide practical and essential feedback to the ETSI NFV ISG and increase the likelihood of interoperability among NFV implementations.

The new group, ETSI OSM, will deliver an open source MANO stack using accepted open source tools and working procedures. The activity will be closely aligned with the evolution of ETSI NFV and will provide a regularly updated reference implementation of NFV MANO. OSM will enable an eco-system of NFV solution vendors to rapidly and cost-effectively deliver solutions to their users.

“ETSI OSM complements the work of the ETSI NFV ISG and vice versa. It will provide an opportunity to capitalize on the synergy between standardization and open source approaches by accessing a greater and more diverse set of contributors and developers than would normally be possible”, says Luis Jorge Romero, ETSI Director General. “This maximizes innovation, efficiency and time to market and ensures a continuing series of conformant reference implementations.”
