Thursday, January 12, 2012

MobileIron Chalks Up 600% Growth in 2011

MobileIron, which specializes in enterprise management and security for mobile devices and apps, reported 600% growth in its customer base during 2011, including adding 435 new enterprise customers in the last quarter. MobileIron closed the year with more than 100 of the Fortune 500 and Global 250 companies as customers. Bookings grew by more than 400% year over year and the company added over 130 new employees, doubling its size.

"MobileIron is the only company that was purpose-built to address the challenges Mobile IT departments are facing," said Bob Tinker, CEO of MobileIron. "Our success is due in equal parts to rigorous business execution and having a unique solution that meets the needs of an expanding market at the right time. We deeply appreciate the customers and channel partners who chose MobileIron to make their organizations successful today and keep pace with mobile innovation in the future."