Nokia Siemens Networks published an in-depth Sustainability Report covering all of its activities as well as the use of its products worldwide during 2010. The report analyzes environmental performance, health and safety, and supply chain related information.
In terms of overall energy consumption, the company improved the efficiency of its products and of the company last year, however the overall amount of energy consumed rose in 2010 due to the increase volume of product shipments.
Some highlights from the NSN report:
- The fact that half of all energy consumed by Nokia Siemens Networks facilities globally now comes from renewable sources;
- An outline of the company's new business focused on applications that will save energy for power utilities and other industry sectors, and support the development of smart applications for use by various other industries;
- Updates that show Nokia Siemens Networks continues to provide the most energy efficient products in the industry. Based on calculations using the ETSI energy efficiency measurement standards, power consumption of its industry leading Flexi base station is only 562 watts;
- Results showing that the company continues to have the most robust anti-corruption organization and program in the industry. Employee awareness is a key element, with 92% of employees completing the annual ethical business training;
- Information that the company spent nearly 57 million Euros on employee training;
- News that Nokia Siemens Networks achieved the 18001 OHSAS Occupational Health and Safety Management System certification in ten key high risk markets of operation;
- The fact that Nokia Siemens Networks has strengthened policies and processes related to human rights, to specifically address the misuse of communication technologies;
- Details of its efforts to augment supplier capability and performance in corporate responsibility by doubling global audits and tripling the amount of supplier training with respect to corporate responsibility;
- Information relating to a new policy addressing the use of conflict minerals.
NSN said the report is part of its effort to become more transparent on issues critical to its own and its customers' success.
"Our commitment to sustainability and ethical business is a key differentiator in a tough competitive environment," said Rajeev Suri, chief executive officer, Nokia Siemens Networks. "This report reflects our belief that there can be no sustainability without transparency and open dialogue. Transparency means an honest measurement of performance, and the courage to be open about both successes and areas of improvement. It means being active in the global dialogue, including engaging on topics that can be contentious."
The full version of the 48-page report is online.