Wednesday, July 14, 2010

FCC Explores Mobile Satellite Service (MSS) Spectrum

The FCC kicked off a proceeding to help make 90 megahertz of prime spectrum available for mobile broadband deployment by considering the use Mobile Satellite Service (MSS) spectrum in three bands -- the 2 GHz band, Big LEO band, and Lband.

A new Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) outlines two proposals that would remove regulatory barriers to terrestrial (i.e. land-based) use and promote additional investments in the MSS bands, while retaining sufficient market-wide MSS capability. First, it proposes to add co-primary fixed and mobile allocations to the 2 GHz band. This allocation modification sets the stage for more flexible uses of the band by terrestrial services. Second, it proposes to expand existing secondary market policies and rules to address transactions involving the use of MSS bands for terrestrial services. This would create greater predictability in bands licensed for terrestrial mobile broadband service.